Garage Sale: Finals

September 26, 2008

Just wanted to update you on how things went this last weekend as our Senders hosted a second garage sale to help raise additional funds and liquidate our belongings here at home.

Before I give you the numbers I first want to send out a huge thank you to all the people who were involved in these two sales: the Schlecters, the Koenigs, the Chans, the Osgoods, the Horsteds, the Humes, the Toppers, the Winters, the Backmans, the Johnsons, the Achesons, the LaPores, more Achesons, the Sheets, the Quinns, the Ellises, the Thulins, Gramma Acheson, the parental Wulf, Matt Wulf, Abby Wulf, the Stantons, the Adamsons, the Radkes, the Abshires, our neighbor Michael, the Hendricksons, Tucker Lynch, Eric Macias, Tanner Bell, Kelsey Kline, and Micah Koenig–in all somewhere around 40 people helped to make this possible.  A huge “Thank you!” to all the people who donated, drove, baked, sorted, priced, cleaned, assisted, sold, moved, facilitated, administrated, and planned these sales!  You have done a great job and taken a great weight off of our shoulders by both raising funds and helping us transition out of the US!

So, all said and done (with just a couple things for sale still on Craigslist) the two garage sales combined to bring in over $4500!  The proceeds from these sales will be more than enough to buy our plane tickets and a new computer as we head to the field!   Thank you to John and Karen Wulf and David and Kimberly Topper especially for putting so much work in to these sales!  And thank you again to everyone who sacrificed to help make this happen!

Missions Cookies?

July 29, 2008

It has been incredible these last few days to watch as God has been providing for the garage sale our senders are putting together for this Sunday.  While I had originally thought the sale’s main purpose would be helping to get rid of Kate and my stuff.  Now, with the addition of the fresh vision of our senders, the sale has become a get-rid-of-their-stuff/fundraiser aimed at raising Kate and My airfare to the Netherlands! 

It has been awesome to see people get behind this.  From the donations that are now overflowing my parents’ garage to the cookies I hear are being made to sell, I find myself thinking over and over, “This is the whole church taking the whole Gospel to the whole world!”  So many times I when people hear missions they think, “What can I do?”  Come check out the sale this weekend, and you’ll find your answer in the actions of all the people it took to clean, price, setup and run this sale.  This is missions.  It is no less.  Thank you for your ministry alongside us!  We could not do it without you–nor would we want to!