Thank you to everyone who was able to make last week’s “Serving as Senders” training!  Kate and I were so encouraged by your thoughts and insights in to our lives and how they are about to change!  Time and again it is your support, your thoughts, and your prayers that the Lord uses to keep us going on this journey he has called us to. Our Senders in action!









Moving forward from the meeting, we are looking forward to further developing the vision of our Advocacy Teams (in communication, financial, prayer, logistical and moral support), establishing leadership for those teams, and setting them to work on their peice of the puzzle.  At present, I am working to move the great info and ideas our team gave us into momentum by creating a workspace at where we can continue to collaborate along this process. 

Thank you again for your input and support!  (And thanks for making it to the blog!)  We are daily blown away by God’s grace in providing for us!

May Update

May 2, 2008

            Two weeks ago on a Thursday I found myself sitting at a table with two recovering meth addicts.  The topic for discussion?  Fatherhood.  “She’s gunna say a lot of things she don’t mean”  “Just hope you don’t have a colicky baby!”  I had to laugh.  “Am I really getting parenting advice from ex-meth heads?”  The conversation couldn’t have lasted more than twenty minutes, but I found myself walking away with more than a smile on my face.  God is at work in the lives of these two dads, restoring them to fatherhood.  For me it was one of those this-is-what-salvation-is-all-about moments where the work of the cross is so beautifully fleshed out in the broken lives of people so carefully pieced together again by the Maker. 

            Whew!  Just twenty-four weeks left until Kate and I (and baby Jude) plan to catch a plane to Holland—and the clock is ticking!  In preparation of zero hour, we will be hosting a senders training night May 22 at 7:00 pm in Crossroads’ family room.  Once we are gone, we will be heavily dependant on our senders not only for financial and pray needs, but also for practical, technical and moral support—this is what we will be gathering to explore.  We look forward to seeing you there as we collaboratively craft an integral part of the support system which makes our going to Holland possible! 

            Thank you for your fervent prayers on our behalf.  They are a comfort and strength to 

us daily.  Here are some of our current needs:
  •  BUSYNESS: things are heating up as we head toward a packed summer schedule—pray for balance.
    • SUMMER MISSIONS: with the teams populated we now begin the real logistical heavy lifting
    • BABY JUDE—only 15 weeks left!       


                Thanks for your prayers and help along this journey of faith.  We look forward to getting together with you all on the 22nd!
